Clinical Orders (raw)
- Filenames:
- Train:
- Valid:
- Test:
- Train:
Table Purpose: This includes the start and stop times for all clinical orders in the data. The data includes the following variables: ENCOUNTER_NUM, variable, order_start, order_end. The variables order_start and order_end are provided in hours in admission to the GIM ward. The prefix to each value in the variable column describes the type of order (e.g: diet, telemetry, neuro, cardio, etc…). The values from the variable column is the value used to name columns in the pre-processed data. Start and end times less than 0 are measurements that would have taken place before the patient was in the GIM ward (e.g. while in the emergency department).
- Number of rows:
- Train: 107,983
- Valid: 15,394
- Test: 5,869
- Links to:
Table columns
Column name | Description |
ENCOUNTER_NUM | Identifier used for each encounter. |
variable | Clinical order. Prefix describes order type. Orders correspond to the ones described here. |
order_start | Start time of order (as hours since admission to GIM ward). |
order_end | End time of order (as hours since admission to GIM ward). |