Reflecting on 2024. [10 min read]
Sometimes it's easier to just fix your dependencies.
Overview of the cornerstone of DSAA's success: the project intake form
A reminder. [5 min read]
Reflecting on 2023. [6 min read]
An introduction to Discrete Events Simulations (DES) in healthcare with an overview of the use of DES for modelling outpatient services appointments at Providence Healthcare.
My journey creating a reproducible environment for building medical imaging machine learning models with Nix.
Accompanying blog post for the Posit Community talk: "With A Little Help From My Friends: Tools and insights for developing and deploying in the hospital”.
Reflecting on 2022. [5 min read]
An introduction to, an example of, and my (lazy) journey to discovering the `funneljoin` package. [10 min read]
Pause, it's time to write about RStudio conf(2022). [10 min read]
A discussion about bias in healthcare AI, and building models with fairness and ethics in mind. [5 min read]
The NA bug, or, what happens when the same word is used in different contexts. [5 min read]